The NZCA Board is responsible for leading the Association to deliver on the core objectives established in the NZCA Business Plan and Strategy. Elected NZCA Members serve on the NZCA Board for a three-year term. A representative from Tourism New Zealand is also a Board member; and a representative of Tourism Industry Aotearoa attends and participates in the Board’s quarterly meetings.
- Standing for the Board is open to current NZCA Members who can commit to attending quarterly meetings and are able to assist the Chief Executive Officer with the delivery of NZCA’s Business Plans and Strategy.
- Voting for the Board will open in July each year. Election materials are electronically mailed out to primary contacts at all eligible NZCA member companies.
- The results of the election will be announced at the end of NZCA’s Annual General Meeting and will take effect immediately following the AGM.
For further information please contact Join NZCA or find out more about Membership.
The board of the New Zealand Cruise Association represents the various industries involved in this diverse tourism sector. These experienced businesspeople have a passion for ensuring cohesive, sustainable and viable growth in the New Zealand cruise sector.

Tansy Tompkins
Chief Executive
Wellington Cable Car
Tansy is a collaborative and strategic director with broad knowledge and career experience across a range of industries including tourism, hospitality and events, and culture and creative. She has held several senior management roles in the public, private and non-profit sectors both in New Zealand and internationally.
As a director she enjoys working in partnership with her board and stakeholders, taking a holistic view of any challenge or opportunity, and always taking a ‘future-back’ approach to strategy and innovation. Tansy’s happy place is guiding, inspiring and empowering others to facilitate both the achievement of organisational objectives, and the personal growth and well-being of employees and business owners.

Debbie Summers
Deputy Chair
Executive Director
ID New Zealand
With 30 years of cruise experience, Debbie works closely with the vast majority of the world’s cruise companies. She has a wealth of critically important industry connections at the very highest levels. Debbie is Executive Director of IDNZ (largest NZ Cruise Ground Handler) heading the Cruise Division, is also Vice Chair of The World’s Leading Ground Operators and a Director representing the NZ cruise sector on the TIA Board. Debbie has been on the NZCA Board for a total of 12 years.

David Kriel
General Manager Commercial
Napier Port
David’s career has spanned many areas encompassing passenger, road, rail, distribution and sea freight. In 2005, when he emigrated, with his family, to New Zealand, he managed the logistics of Oji Fibre Solutions – Lodestar based in Mount Maunganui, before taking up his current role with Napier Port.
His specific areas of professional interest lie in strategic relationships, sustainability, risk and security of supply, and participating in and contributing to industry bodies. David is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, and a member of both the East Asian Society for Transport Studies and the Humanitarian Logistics Association.

Annie Dundas
Board member
Head of Visitor Economy
Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
Annie Dundas is the Head of the Visitor Economy for Tataki Auckland Unlimited, previously ATEED. Annie is responsible for the destination marketing of Auckland and the management of Auckland as visitor destination for leisure travellers including cruise visitors and international students. Our work is guided by the actions set out in the Destination Auckland 2025 Strategy and the Destination AKL Recovery Plan. Prior to Auckland Unlimited, Annie was the GM Tourism for Ngati Whatua Orakei Whai Rawa and before that, GM of Hawke’s Bay Tourism for eight years. Annie also had a long tenure at Tourism New Zealand – her last role as Regional Manager North America.

Avinash Murthy
Board member
Manager, Marine & Cruise Operations
Ports of Auckland Ltd
Avinash has been a seafarer for over 16 years working in various capacities and eventually culminating his seagoing career as a Captain. Avinash has been associated with the maritime industry and Ports of Auckland Ltd for the last 8 years ever since he has been in Aotearoa New Zealand.
He has assumed the responsibilities of the Cruise operations department and is excited about the opportunities that lie ahead with the inevitable return of the cruise businesses, especially after the difficult period the industry continues to endure. As one of the largest ports in the country to cater to the cruise vessels it is key for Auckland’s participation and contribution towards the functions of the NZCA.

Kevin Winders
Board Member
Chief Executive
Port Otago
Kevin is a Chartered Accountant by training and a proud born and bred Dunedinite. He has a strong financial and strategic skill set based on a wide exposure to a variety of sectors and brings more than 20 years of experience in working with boards.

Oscar Nathan
Board member
Tumuaki GM Tāpoi Te Moananui ā Toi Tourism BOP
Oscar has worked across public, private and NFP sectors, in both senior management and governance positions at local, regional, and national levels.
He is committed to the New Zealand Cruise sector, not only in terms of the coastal Bay of Plenty economy, but across each of our host communities and ports nationally. Oscar is acutely aware of the changing dynamics created by Covid-19 and the impact this has had (and will continue to have) on perception, capacity, social licence, and the visitor experience generally.

Sean Marsh
Board member
General Manager Sales and Marketing
Ko Taranaki te maunga titohea, Ko Oaonui te awa, Ko Oraukawa te moana, Ko Kurahaupo te waka, Ko Taranaki Tuturu te iwi, Ko Ngati Tuhekerangi me Ngati Tara nga hapu, Ko Te Potaka te pa – Tihei Mauri Ora. With experience as Trade Marketing Manager (Tourism Bay of Plenty) and as Visitor Consultant (Tauranga and Mt Maunganui), Sean’s role at Te Puia includes the Cruise Portfolio.

Paul Yeo
Board member
Industry Relations Manager
Tourism New Zealand
Paul is part of the New Zealand and Business Events team for Tourism New Zealand and works at Tourism NZ’s Auckland office and occasionally from home in Mount Maunganui. This team is responsible for domestic marketing activity, Business Events, Qualmark and industry partnerships. Paul’s responsibility also includes managing the i-SITE Network, a Tourism NZ subsidiary and our official national visitor information network that has over 60 locations across New Zealand.

Rebecca Ingram
Board member
Chief Executive
Rebecca Ingram Chief Executive at TIA and brings with her over 20 years in tourism, marketing, event management, advocacy and stakeholder relations.
Her career includes 7 years at Tourism New Zealand (TNZ), where she was General Manager of New Zealand and Government Relations. Other roles included leading a global Tourism NZ promotional team across 10 markets, and leading complex transformation at Telecom (now Spark) and Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand.
Rebecca describes herself as ‘tourism’s biggest champion’ and is excited to be supporting the industry to build its resilience and impact through economic, social, environmental and cultural contributions to Aotearoa New Zealand.